Linda Trenholm

mixed media artist
maker of artful storybooks
then and now
My love of artful expression began with a box of crayons. I’m guessing I was three years old. I would stretch out on my tummy on the floor next to my big brother Bobby and zone out filling sheets of newsprint with circles, dots and lines of color. The aroma of fresh wax paired with neat rows of little pointed caps of color popping out of the box sparked hours of creativity. The answer to the oft asked question “What do you want to be when you grow up” never changed. I was an artist.
Over the years the mediums I use have varied. I began my studies at the Columbus College of Art and Design as an illustrator with the intent to illustrate children's books. But my elective choices in fine arts was where my intuitive sense began to blossom. I dabbled in stained glass, ceramics and metal smithing. My drawings varied from realistic to whimsical. In my late twenties I discovered the world of creative visual display. It became a bridge for me to combine work and art.
Ten plus years ago a journey to a workshop in Southern France introduced me to the world of book arts where I found a comfortable niche in what is called mixed media. Using or making books as a platform to build upon still tics all the boxes for me. Mixed media nurtures the inclination to gather and collect found objects, hoard paper of every sort and discover multiple mark making tools. most of all it fosters the possibility to respond intuitively to the page.
Teaching workshops to motivate the artist in us all feeds my drive to experiment and explore new art techniques. I keep my visual skills honed still freelancing now and then for luxury retail. And to prevent becoming a complete and total recluse I make it a point to attend art workshops a few times a year.
My workshop and home is located in the Southwest, sun filled city of Las Vegas, Nevada